That is an excellent question homeowners often ask us after installing a new programmable thermostat for them. Choosing between indoor temperatures versus comfort levels is more of a personal preference than a hard and fast rule. For example, the best temperature for a home might be 68° in the winter for you but considered too cold for your neighbor next door that keeps their home at a constant 72° degrees.
However, what if your new goal is to save on energy costs and reduce your utility bill after the new thermostat installation. What is the best temperature for a home, then? According to ENERGY STAR, setting your thermostat to 68° when you are home, and reducing that temperature by 7-10 degrees when you are away will product the most ideal balance of comfort and energy savings.
What Is The Best Temperature Schedule For A Home
Like choosing the best temperature for a home, selecting a new thermostat that matches your needs and schedule is another personal preference you now control. Unlike the older models where programming wasn’t available, you’re free to choose better, more advanced options. But before you buy, research scheduling and programming features to determine which type of thermostat would best fit your lifestyle.
7-day programming – offers the ability to create a different schedule for each day of the week, which can be especially helpful if your family’s comings and goings are more erratic.
5-1-1 programming – offers a single schedule option for Monday – Friday, with an opportunity to input different schedules for Saturday and Sunday. This type of programming is great for families follow a routine weekly schedule, but require more advanced programming options for the weekend.
5-2 programming – offers a single schedule option for Monday – Friday, and a second scheduling option for both Saturday and Sunday.
Manual – is a non-programmable thermostat option where you set the temperature and it stays that temperature until you manually change it, with no advanced scheduling / programming features.
Wi-Fi – Wi-fi thermostats typically offer 7-day programming along with the ability to adjust the temperature or change the schedule from your phone. Some wi-fi thermostats also offer more advanced geofencing features, where your thermostat will automatically decrease the temperature in your home if no activity is detected. And it will return to the pre-defined schedule when your phone is detected close to home or it picks up activity in the home.
Location Matters
Believe it or not, even the most advanced thermostat will be ineffective if it’s placed in the wrong area of your home. Always place your thermostat on an interior wall, near the center of the home. The room with the most traffic and use would be an ideal place. Avoiding putting your thermostat:
In an area that receives direct sunlight, as the heat from the sun may create inaccurate temperature readings on the thermostat.
Above or below an air vent
In the kitchen or in a hallway
Near a window or door
Avoid This #1 Programmable Thermostat Mistake?
Once you’ve decided it’s time to upgrade your thermostat, there is one crucial piece of information you must always remember. You should always consult with an HVAC professional before modifying any part of your HVAC system, including the thermostat. We say this for your benefit, not ours. We receive countless calls every year, with DIY jobs that have gone awry. From compatibility issues and wiring mishaps, to blown out breakers and completely fried systems. Can you imagine trying to save yourself a few bucks by installing your own thermostat, only to cause thousands of dollars in damage to your furnace, air conditioner or electrical system? It happens more often than you think.
It’s also important to note that most thermostat manufacturers will not warranty the product if it is not professionally installed. So if something goes wrong during the installation, not only will your thermostat not be covered, but any damages caused won’t be either. Do yourself a favor and call a professional for new thermostat installation, minimizing the risk of injury or costly repairs.
If you have any questions about the best temperature for your home, contact Jackson Comfort Services today to speak with our heating and cooling experts!