
Why You Should Think Twice About DIY Thermostat Installation

In today’s modern world, people crave convenience along with the latest and greatest in technology. So, it’s no surprise that people are flocking towards products and services that not only make their lives more convenient, but their homes more …

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Is The Air In Your Home Too Dry?

Your spouse’s booming snores could be due to a dry house! It is that time of year again! The heat is on, the noses are running, and your spouse is snoring louder than a foghorn on a cloudy day. Now that the holidays are behind us and we are entering …

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Winter Chills Bringing High Winter Bills?

Now that the holidays are behind us and we have taken down all of our beautiful, twinkling, little electric eaters we can all expect a reprieve in our electric bills, right? Well, yes, sort of. Though those festive little lights do take a toll on …

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Which Air Filter Is Right For Me?

Shortly before this new fangled world we find ourselves in, I visited a local big box store with my daughter on the hunt for a special toy. While strolling the aisles, I happened upon a customer debating on which type of air filter they should …

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Why Does My Air Conditioner Sound Like It’s Hissing?

Have you ever wondered why your air conditioner is making an annoying hissing noise? If you hear hissing, bubbling, or gurgling coming from your air conditioner, it’s likely because you are low on refrigerant and have a leak. Refrigerant, commonly …

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Is Your AC Leaking Water?

Sure, your AC could be crying from being over worked, but if your AC is leaking water it’s more likely that something is wrong. Our guide will help you discover when to call in a professional. First things first, turn your thermostat to the …

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